Gap Filling for SSC Board Question Without Clues and Answer দেওয়া হলোঃ আশা করি শিক্ষার্থীরা উপকৃত হবে।
Gap Filling for SSC Board Question Without Clues and Answerঃ
1. Dhaka Board-2020
Fish population is in serious danger from global warming. Climate change is increasing the water temperature in rivers, lakes and seas. This means there is less food and oxygen available for fish. It also means the fish may not grow fully and may have fewer offspring’s. Some fishes will become extinct if temperatures rise even by one or two degrees Celsius.
Climate change increases the pressure on fish population. Fishes are one of the world’s most valuable biological assets. Forty percent of people in the world eat fish as their main source of protein. If we fail to reduce green house gas emissions, we will increase the pressure on fish. As a result, people who depend on fish will suffer from hunger and poverty.
It is (a) ______ from the passage that global warming is (b) ______ great threat for fish population. (c) ______ global warming, food production and oxygen (d) ______ in water decreases. As a result, some fish may be extinct (e) ______.
2. Rajshahi Board-2020
21 February is a memorable day in our national history. We observe the day every year as International Mother Language Day. The day is a national holiday. On this day. we pay tribute to the martyrs who laid down their lives to establish Bangla as a state language in undivided Pakistan in 1952. The struggle to achieve our language rights is known as the Language Movement.
The seed of the Language Movement was sown on 21 March 1948 when Mohammad All Jinnah, the Governor General of Pakistan, declared in a public meeting in Dhaka that Urdu would be the only state language of Pakistan. The declaration raised a storm of protest in, the eastern part of the country. The protest continued non-stop, gathering momentum day by day. It turned into’ a movement and reached its climax in 1952. The government outlawed all sorts of public meetings and rallies to stop it.
The students of Dhaka University defied the law and brought out a peaceful protest procession on 21 February 1952. When the procession reached near Dhaka Medical College, the police opened fire on the students, killing Salam, Rafiq, Barkat, Saflur and Jabbar.
As a result, there were mass protests all over the country and the government had to declare Bangla as a state language. This kindled the sparks of independence movement of Bangladesh.
All Bangladeshis remember the memory of the (a) ______ on February 21. They walk barefooted to the Shaheed Minar. They proceed (b) ______ towards the Shaheed Minar. They pay (c) ______ to the memory of the martyrs. They (d) ______ flowers and pray for the souls of them. They also gather in mosques, temples and some other religious institutions and wish for salvation of the martyrs’ (e) ______ souls.
3. Jashore Board-2020
Many people go to cities and forget their roots knowingly or unknowingly. The specialty of the Islam family is that they are living in their village. Mr. Islam and his brothers are great as they haven’t forget, their roots. Mainul Islam is a graduate from Bangladesh Agricultural University in Mymensingh. He returned home and began iti, advanced farming. His other two brothers are also graduate in different disciplines.
They all are. living in their own village in spite of being highly educated. They could easily move to cities to do attractive official jobs. But city life and official jobs don’t attract them. They think that they are the sons of the soil and they have an unavoidable obligation to this soil. They not only struck to their own roots, they have been example for others to be respectful to their soil.
Mr. Mainul Islam, a graduate from Bangladesh Agricultural University has chosen his career as an (a) _______ farmer. His two other brothers were not from the same (b) _______. All the three brothers are (c) _______ educated and live in the village. They are unwilling to leave their village and they realize a strong (d) _______to the soil and they don’t want to be city (e) _______.
4. Cumilla Board-2020
Fish population is at the risk from global warming. Climate change is increasing the water temperature in lakes, rivers and seas. This indicates there is less food and supply of oxygen available for fish. It again means- that fish may not grow properly and may have fewer generation. If temperatures rise even by one or two degree Celsius, some fishes will be extinct from our planet.
Climate change increases the pressure on fish population and these fishes are treated as one of the most valuable biological assets. 40% people of the world depend on fish for their protein. In case of our failure to reduce greenhouse gas emission, we will increase the pressure on fish. Thus, people depending on fish will suffer from malnutrition, hunger and poverty.
The temperature rise of water in rivers, lakes and’ seas has (a) ____ the scarcity of food and oxygen for fish. As a result the (b) ____ and reproduction of fishes is being hampered. If temperature rise goes on in this rate it will cause the (c) ____ of some fishes. If this happens, people (d) ____ on fish as the main source of protein will suffer a lot. A possible solution to this problem is the (e) ____ of greenhouse gas emission.
Gap Filling for SSC Board Question Without Clues and Answerঃ
5. Chattogram Board-2020
Fish is one of the most important resources of food and nutrition. It is the best and easiest source of protein. In the past, the rivers, ponds, lakes, marshes etc. abound with fishes in Bangladesh. There was a popular saying that once Bangladesh was rich in rice and fishes. But now-a-days, fish population in Bangladesh is in serious danger.
This means the fish may not grow fully and may have fewer offspring’s. Some fishes have already become extinct and some will be extinct in future. There are various reasons behind this danger. The first and foremost reason is the climate change which is causing the increase of the water temperature in rivers, ponds, lakes, seas and every water reservoir. This means there is less food and oxygen available for fish.
Again, the random use of pesticides. and harmful fertilizers in the cultivable lands is also causing a great threat to fish population. Secondly, the harmful garbages and wastes of the mills and factories thrown into the rivers and other pools and reservoirs are polluting the water where fishes dwell. All these matters are combinedly creating pressure on fish population. If we fail to reduce green house gas emissions, and temperature rise, if we fail to control the use of pesticides and harmful fertilizers and the throwing of wastes and garbages, we will continue to increase pressure on fish which will eventually cause fish-poverty in Bangladesh.
Water is the most (a) ____ place for fish. But now-a-days, this (b) ____ place of the fish is not safe for them (c) ____ of climate change and many other reasons. All these reasons along with climate change are creating a great threat and pressure on fish population. It is high time we (d) ____ pragmatic steps to save the fishes from (e) ____ .
6. Sylhet Board-2020
Fish population is in serious danger from global warming. Climate changes is increasing. the water temperature in rivers, lakes and seas. This means there is less food and oxygen available for fish.
Also means the fish may not grow fully and may have fewer offspring’s. If temperatures rise even by one or two degrees; some fishes will be extinct from our planet. Climate change increases the pressure on fish population. Fishes are one of the world’s most valuable biological assets. Forty percent of people in the world eat fish as their main source of protein. If we fail to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, we will increase the pressure on fish. As a result people who depend on fish will suffer from hunger and poverty.
Fish population is not free from the (a) _____ of climate change. Because of climate change the water temperature will increase causing the (b) _____ of food and oxygen for fish. As a (c) _____ of this fishes will lose their-breeding capacity. Some of the fishes are on the (d) _____ of extinction. Climate change will (e) _____ the pressure of fish population.
7. Barishal Board-2020
The Pioneer of Bangladeshi modern art Zainul Abedin is widely acclaimed for his Bengal ‘Famine Sketches’. Through the series of sketches, Zainul not only documented the harsh famine of 1943 but also showed its sinister face through the skeletal figures of the people destined to die of starvation in a man-made plight. Zainul developed a Knack for drawing and painting when he was a high school student. After completing high school, he got admission to the Government School of Art, Kolkata. He graduated with the first position in first class in 1938.
He was appointed a teacher of the Art school while he was still a student there. He also attended the Slade School of Arts, London in 1951-52. Zainul Abedin is considered the founding father of Bangladeshi art. He was an artist of outstanding talent and earned international reputation. For his artistic and visionary qualities, he is referred to as ‘Shilpacharya’ meaning ‘great teacher of art in Bangladesh.
He designed the pages of constitution of Bangladesh. He founded the Folk Art Museum at Sonargaon and also Zainul Abedin Sangrahashala, a gallery of his own works in Mymensingh in 1975.
Zainul Abedin is considered the leading (a) _____ of Bangladeshi modem art. He is well-known to the world for his ‘Famine Sketches. ‘In his sketches, he (b) _____ the cruel famine of 1943. After completing high school, he went to Kolkata and got admitted into the Government School of Art there. He received his (c) _____ in art in 1938. Then he joined there as a teacher. He is given the (d) _____ ‘Shilpacharya’ meaning ‘great teacher of art’ in Bangladesh for his outstanding qualities. This great artist was also involved in (e) _____ the pages of our constitution.
2025 SSC English 1st Paper Paragraph Suggestions
2025 SSC English 1st Paper Paragraph Suggestions
8. Dinajpur Board-2020
The Internet technology has helped design a large number of web sites to facilitate social relations among people around the world. These are known as social networking services or social networks or social media. At present, Facebook is the most popular social media site. Google+, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc. are other frequently used social services, social network services are web-based and hence, provide ways for the users to interact through the Internet.
These services make it possible to connect people sharing interests and activities across the borders and thus have made the users feel that they really live in a global’village. Why are social networks expanding so fast? The answer is simple. Most of the social services are cost-free. You can make use of them free, paying a very little to your Internet service provider.
The social networking ‘services are expanding so fast because (a) ____ are cheap. Facebook is one of the most popular social network (b) ____. There are also other network services (c) ____ Google, Twitter, LinkedIn. Social network services are based on (d) ____. Users communicate with others through the Internet. These services (e) ____ made the world very small and people now feel that they are now a part of a single global village.
Gap Filling for SSC Board Question Without Clues and Answer
9. Mymensingh Board-2020
Fish population is in serious danger from global warming. Climate change is increasing
the water temperature in rivers, lakes and seas. This means there is less food and
oxygen available for fish, It.als6 means the fish may not grow fully and may have fewer
offsprings. Some fishes will become extinct if temperatureS rise even one or two
degrees Celsius.Climate change increases the pressure on fish population. Fishes are
one of the world’s most valuable biological assets. Forty percent of people in the world
eat fish as their main source of protein. If we fail to reduce greenhouse gas emissions,
we will increase the pressure on fish. Al a result, people who depend on fish will suffer
from hunger and poverty.
Question : Global warming raises the stress on fish population. Fish is one of the most
(a) ____ assets. Many people of the world eat fish as their main source of protein. Many
people also earn their (b) ____ by fishing. But they are not free from danger. Global
warming is the major (c) ____for their extinction. Climate change bears a great effect
on their lives. If global warming cannot be (d) ____ the full growth of fish will be
hindered. Even they won’t be (e) ____ to produce. If temperature goes on rising by One
or two degrees, fish may face extinction.
Gap Filling for SSC Board Question Without Clues and Answer
10. Dhaka Board 2019
The pioneer of Bangladeshi modern a Zainul Abedin is widely acclaimed for his B gal
‘Famine Sketches’. Through a series of sketches, Zainul not only documented the
harsh fa9ine of 1940 but also showed its sinister face through the skeletal figures of
the people destined die of starvation in a man-made plight. Zainul developed a knack
for drawing and ‘ painting w n he was a high school student. After completing g high
school, he got admission to the Government School of Art, Kolkata. He graduated with
the first position in first class in 1938. He was appointed teacher of the Art School
while he was still a student there. He also attended the Slade School. Of Arts, London
in 1951-52. Zainul Abedin is considered the founding father of Bangladeshi art. He
was an artist of outstanding talent and earned – international reputation. For his
artistic and visionary qualities, he is referred to. As Shilpacharya meaning ‘great
teacher’ of art in Bangladesh.
He designed the pages of constitution of Bangladesh. He founded the Folk Art Museum
at Sonargaon and also Zainul Abedin Shangrahashala, a gallery of his own works in
Mymensingh in 1975.
Question : Zainul Abedin had (a) _____________potentiality to become an artist. -Re is
the pioneer of Bangladeshi art. He loved nature and art from his (b) _____________ He
showed his artistic and-visionary qualities in his student life. Graduating (c)
____________ credit, he served as a teacher for many years. He showed his talent in
different sketches. In his different sketches; (d) _____________sketches were acclaimed
both nationally and internationally. He is also famous for designing the pages of
constitution and (e) _____________ the Folk Art Museum.
Gap Filling for SSC Board Question Without Clues and Answerঃ
1. Dhaka Board-2020
(a) learnt/ known/ clear (b) a (c) For/ Due to/ Because of (d) supply/ availability (e)
soon/ forever
2. Rajshahi Board-2020
(a) event/ martyrs/ sacrifice/ movement (b) peacefully (c) tribute (d) offer (e) departed
3. Jashore Board-2020
(a) advanced (b) discipline (c) highly (d) obligation/ bonding (e) dwellers
4. Cumilla Board-2020
(a) created (b) growth (c) extinction (d) depending/ relying (e) reduction/ decrease
5. Chattogram Board-2020
(a) suitable (b) living (c) because (d) took (e) danger/ extinction
6. Sylhet Board-2020
(a) consequence/ effect/ dangers (b) decrease/ reduction/ shortage (c) result/
consequence (d) face/ verge/ brink (e) increase/ augment/ add to
7. Barishal Board-2020
(a) artist/ person (b) depicted/ portrayed (c) graduation (d) title/ epithet (e) designing
8. Dinajpur Board-2020
(a) they/ these (b) services (c) like/ named (d) web/ Internet (e) have
9. Mymensingh Board-2020
(a) important/ valuable/ useful (b) living/ livelihood (c) cause (d) controlled/ checked
(e) able .
10. Dhaka Board-2019
(a) a/ the (b) boyhood (c) with (d) some/ many’ (e) establishing/ founding
Gap Filling for SSC Board Question Without Clues and Answer